Saturday, October 17, 2009

What we learned in Ethiopia....

*Plan on the plans changing.
*NEVER flush the toilet paper (if you are lucky enough to have any).
*An umbrella is a necessity in Addis, rain or shine.
*"Five minutes" in Africa does not mean five minutes.
*saying "no thank you" to curious monkeys does not keep them at bay.
*In the words of our dear friend, Debelle, "It is possible."
*Ehtiopian traffic "laws" are a bit different than what we're used to at home (i.e. there are none).
*We have A LOT to learn from our friends in Ethiopia.
*You do not need much materially to be rich spiritually.
*God is doing incredible things all around us, if we will just take the time to notice and get involved.
*a lot of "things" that seem important to us here really don't matter at all.
*hope in and through Jesus Christ can stand up to any and all challenges.
*Ethiopians are very gentle and soft spoken people, until you get them in church - whoa!
*God's glory is being shown all over the earth, and where there is darkness his light shines even brighter.
*what is looks like to really humble yourself before God and submit to his will.
*A mother's heart in Ethiopia is the same as a mother's heart here in the States.
*Prayer is more powerful and effective than we often choose to acknowledge.
*As long as you keep drinking the coffee, our Ethiopian friends will keep filing it back up.
*A delicious macchiato in Addis is only $0.30.
*kids can have fun playing with sticks and rocks, and no one gets hurt!
*you can live a full life with out a lot of "stuff".
*An Ethiopian's idea of a "large, big man" is different than ours.
*We are all seven years younger in Ethiopia - really!
*African spiders are much larger than spiders in the U.S.
*Everything in Ethiopia can be repurposed, and usually is!
*No amount or quality of pictures can capture the beauty of Ethiopia (but we all tried anyways).
*Where "the joy of the Lord" is your strength, you can smile through the most desperate circumstances.
*When you encounter someone who doesn't speak English, talking LOUDER does not really help.
*Learning does happen even when the teacher/child ratio is 1:35, the floor is made of dirt, and there are 8-10 children squeezed on one bench - and the teachers are in total control.
*Real mean hold hands.
*A "call to prayer" has a whole new meaning for us.
*Don't let Lana hold your camera.
*If Amber'll laugh too!
*It is possible to become a "medical expert" in Ethiopia - ask Bonnie!!
*The saying "ants in my pants" has a whole new meaning - ask Allyson!!
*If you need a spider killed, ask Julie!
*Hooked on phonics works, even for Amheric (right, Dustin??)
*Holly has the patience of a SAINT!!
*Leprosy will eat the flesh, but it doesn't have any power over the spirit.
*work brings dignity.
*Africa is not the only place Jesus wants us to see people like he does.


  1. AWESOME! Can't wait to share time with you soon. Welcome home!


  2. Thanks for posting this. It's both inspiring and down right hilarious.
